Wednesday, January 26, 2011


 Our house is a bit of a fixer upper, thank goodness Bill is great at electrical, plumbing, drywall...and the list goes on. We have had to come up with a few cost-effective DIY projects to make our house a home along the way.  So far we have tackled the bathroom and the bedroom. One particular project that I think turned out pretty well was our bedroom closet doors. The closet unit is actually one of those organizer ones from Ikea, and was a major buying feature for me :) The previous owners had put those laminate fake wood-looking sliding doors on the closet with one large mirror. When we finished renovating the bedroom I wanted to keep the Ikea closet but I hated the doors! Below is a before picture of half of the bedroom taken during one of the visits we made to the house while the previous owners still lived there:

...and here is the after! I bought wallpaper from Home Depot and papered over top of the laminate fake wood-looking doors and left the mirrored door as is. Overall, great idea and worked a lot better than I thought that it would!

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